Are you ready to offer your patients access to extended genotyping and self-collection†? Below you will find links to help you connect with labs that offer the only HPV Assay that meets all ASCCP Extended Genotyping Guidelines and is FDA-approved for self-collection.1,2†#
Find a lab with the
BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay near you

Find a lab near you that offers
the BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay
To better serve you and your patients, we would love to hear from you
This form is only intended for use by healthcare professionals seeking additional information about BD products and solutions. Patients seeking health and treatment information should contact their healthcare professional and can find additional resources from ACOG and the American Cancer Society.
Do not submit protected health information (PHI) or patient information (PII) through this form. If you do submit PHI or PII, your question may not be answered, as the information will be deleted to protect your privacy.
Send a message to your lab
Are you in a long-term relationship with your current lab? We understand, and we know that labs listen to their customers. Let them know that you want them to offer the BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay.
Download a letter template or copy this text in an email to send it directly to your main point of contact at your lab.
Share this page with your peers
If like us, you are convinced that more women should get access to the comprehensive genotyping offered by the BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay, spread the word and share this page through social media or email so that your colleagues can find a partner lab near them.
To better serve you and your patients, we would love to hear from you
This form is only intended for use by healthcare professionals seeking additional information about BD products and solutions. Patients seeking health and treatment information should contact their healthcare professional and can find additional resources from ACOG and the American Cancer Society.
Do not submit protected health information (PHI) or patient information (PII) through this form. If you do submit PHI or PII, your question may not be answered, as the information will be deleted to protect your privacy.
†Self-collected vaginal specimens, obtained in a healthcare setting, can be tested as an alternative specimen type when cervical sampling is either contraindicated or cervical samples otherwise cannot be obtained.2
#There are currently two FDA-approved HPV tests with extended genotyping with different configurations. The BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay was the only FDA-approved test with extended genotyping when the evidence review for the extended genotyping guidelines started, thus rendering the guidelines tailored specifically to the BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay.1
ASCCP, American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; HPV, human papillomavirus.
1. ASCCP. Public Comments on Draft Recommendations for Extended Genotyping. Accessed April 2024.
2. BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay Package Insert [8089894].