Co-infection of vaginitis and STIs is common.1,2

Did you know that vaginitis and STIs often coexist? Most people with non-viral STIs do not develop any symptoms, which means that disease can go undetected, while patients risk severe complications.3-6

One study found that approximately 25% of women with bacterial vaginosis (BV) or vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) also had an STI.2

TV often coexists with BV pathogens, with co-infection rates of 60%–80%.1

Most people with Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) and Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) do not develop symptoms, but each has been associated with complications including pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal factor infertility, and adverse pregnancy outcomes.3-6

Get a comprehensive diagnosis from the start.2,3,7-14

With the BD Vaginal Panel and the BD CTGCTV2 assay, you can use the same clinician- or patient-collected sample* to test for vaginitis and the 3 most prevalent non-viral STIs in symptomatic women.2,15

1 sample: 5 results




Learn more

Learn more about BD Vaginal Panel.


*Patient collection takes place in a healthcare setting.

BV, bacterial vaginosis; CT, Chlamydia trachomatis; GC, Neisseria gonorrhoeae; STIs, sexually transmitted infections; TV, Trichomonas vaginalis; VVC, vulvovaginal candidiasis.

1. Sobel JD et al. Curr Infect Dis Rep. 2013;15:104–8.
2. Van Der Pol B et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2019;68(3):375–81.
3. Van Der Pol B et al. Sex Transm Dis. 2021;48(2):134–40.
4. Trichomoniasis CDC Fact Sheet, CDC. Accessed July 11, 2022;
5. Chlamydia CDC Fact Sheet, CDC. Accessed February 16, 2022.
6. Gonorrhea CDC Fact Sheet, CDC. Accessed February 16, 2022.
7. Broache M et al. Obstet Gynecol. 2021;138:853–9.
8. Gaydos CA et al. Obstet Gynecol. 2017;130(1):181–9.
9. Schwebke JR et al. J Clin Microbiol. 2018;56:e00252-182.
10. BD MAX™ Vaginal Panel Package Insert (P0258).
11. BD CTGCTV2 for BD MAX™ System Package Insert (P0237).
12. Brown H and Drexler M. Popul Health Manag. 2020;23(S1):S3–12.
13. Hillier SL et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2021;72(9):1538–43.
14. Miller JM et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2018;67(6):e1–e94.
15. Sexually Transmitted Infections - Prevalence, Incidence, and Cost Estimates in the United States, CDC. Accessed May 15, 2022.